Food Science

Introduction to Food and Nutrition

Introduction to Food and Nutrition

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    This book aims to provide a foundational understanding of food science and nutrition. It covers the principles of nutrition, dietary guidelines, and the role of nutrients in health and disease. Students will explore food sources, preparation methods, and the impact of diet on overall well-being. The book includes practical information on meal planning, food safety, and nutritional assessment. Case studies and examples illustrate the application of nutritional knowledge. The goal is to prepare students for careers in nutrition, dietetics, and food service management.

  • Author(s) Bio

    Irene Paragas is a dedicated medical doctor and licensed nutritionist-dietitian with a diverse background. Her experience encompasses general practice, nutrition coaching, and medical writing. Presently, Irene provides consultations as a General Physician and offers nutrition and health writing services, highlighting her versatility and proficiency in delivering comprehensive healthcare services. Irene attained her Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from the University of the Philippines and holds licenses in nutrition and medicine. Her wide-ranging work experience and dedication to continuous learning propel her to provide high-quality healthcare and nutrition services.

9781779563217, Introduction to Food and Nutrition, Food Science