Business and Management

Financial Modeling

Financial Modeling

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  • Description

    The aim of this book is to teach the principles and practices of financial modeling in corporate finance and investment analysis. It includes detailed instructions on building models from scratch using spreadsheet software. Topics covered range from basic financial statements to advanced valuation techniques and scenario analysis. The book emphasizes practical application through hands-on exercises and case studies. Students will learn to create robust and dynamic financial models. The objective is to prepare them for careers in finance, investment banking, and consulting.

  • Author(s) Bio

    Kasturi Mazumdar is a dynamic financial analyst with extensive knowledge in investment management and analysis. Her journey into the industry began after completing her bachelor’s in engineering from India. Motivated by her love for learning, she pursued a program at UCLA and continues to enhance her skillset through programs at top business schools. She finds inspiration from influential figures like Mr. Ratan Tata, Dr. Devi Shetty and Roger Federer, and passionately dedicates her time and expertise to volunteer work focused on healthcare and public well-being. In her downtime, Kasturi finds joy in reading, painting, and has recently developed a passion for Himalayan hiking. Embracing the value of spirituality, she is committed to living a more harmonious and holistic life.

9781779563187, Financial Modeling, Business and Management