Life Science

Essential Developmental Biology

Essential Developmental Biology

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    This book provides a comprehensive overview of the principles and mechanisms underlying animal and plant development. It covers key processes such as fertilization, cell differentiation, morphogenesis, and organogenesis. The book integrates genetic, molecular, and cellular approaches to study development, highlighting model organisms and experimental techniques. Designed for undergraduate and graduate students, it aims to connect developmental biology with other disciplines such as genetics and evolution. Supplementary materials include problem sets, lab exercises, and access to online animations and simulations.

  • Author(s) Bio

    Breno Lisboa is a committed bioinformatician with a strong expertise in bioinformatics, biotechnology, synthetic biology and genetic engineering. Breno is now studying for a Doctorate in Bioinformatics at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. His research focuses on investigating the origins of life and the significance of microscopic terrestrial algae in the development of Earth's soils and the evolution of land plants. His study integrates evolutionary biology and ecology to provide new insights into these basic processes. Breno acquired expertise in the field of biotechnology via his Master's program at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). During his studies, he specifically concentrated on conducting structural analyses of house dust mites. His research efforts have made significant contributions to the advancement of hypoallergenic vaccinations and enhanced diagnostic techniques. He obtained a Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology from UFBA and conducted research at the Technical University of Munich. During his research, he used structural bioinformatics to investigate the immunological cross-reactivity between mite allergens and helminth proteins. Additionally, he achieved a gold medal in the iGEM 2022 competition, showcasing his inventive methodology and unwavering commitment to scientific superiority. Breno Lisboa's fervor for bioinformatics, together with his varied experiences and unwavering commitment to furthering scientific knowledge, establishes him as a proficient and inventive researcher in the realm of bioinformatics.

9781779563293, Essential Developmental Biology, Life Science