Engineering and Technology

Basic Electronics

Basic Electronics

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    This book aims to introduce students to the core principles and applications of electronic devices and circuits. Covering topics such as semiconductor physics, diodes, transistors, operational amplifiers, and digital electronics, the book provides a solid grounding in both analog and digital electronics. Through detailed explanations and practical exercises, it prepares students for advanced studies and careers in electronic engineering and related fields.

  • Author(s) Bio

    Georgies Alene Asres is a dedicated materials engineer with a diverse background in materials science and engineering, electrical engineering, physics, and research. He currently serves as an associate professor of Materials Engineering at Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia, where he is also the head of Center for Materials Engineering. Georgies earned his PhD in Electrical Engineering (Electronics Materials and Devices) from the University of Oulu, Finland. He holds dual master's degrees in Functionalized Advanced Materials and Engineering from Grenoble Institute of Technology (France) and Augsburg University (Germany). With over eight years of teaching and research experience, including his tenure at Addis Ababa University, Georgies has established himself as a respected academic and researcher. In his role as an associate professor, Georgies teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in materials science and engineering. His research focuses on developing new materials for energy applications, among other topics in materials engineering. He supervises MSc and PhD students, providing guidance and feedback on their research projects. Georgies is actively involved in collaborative research with faculty members and external partners, contributing to interdisciplinary projects and grant proposals. He enriches the academic community by publishing his research findings in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, reviewing papers for scholarly publications, and serving on academic committees.

9781779563033, Basic Electronics, Engineering and Technology