Business and Management

International Economics

International Economics

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  • Description

    This book aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the global economy, focusing on international trade, finance, and policy. It covers the principles of comparative advantage, exchange rates, and the balance of payments, alongside the effects of trade policies and economic integration. The book integrates real-world case studies to illustrate key concepts, facilitating the application of theory to practice. It also addresses contemporary issues such as globalization, trade disputes, and international economic organizations. Designed for undergraduate and graduate students, it equips readers with analytical tools to evaluate international economic phenomena. Supplementary materials include problem sets, empirical data analysis, and policy discussions.

  • Author(s) Bio

    Dhurata Hajdini is a graduate of the University of Prishtina and holds an MA in Banking & Finance. Inspired by her economist father since childhood to pursue economics, she now has a particular interest focusing in international economics. When she’s not working, she can usually be found walking in nature or reading.

9781779563248, International Economics, Business and Management